Sunday, 29 July 2007

Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.

Caught this from a short video I watched... it claimed to be written in the final journal entry of Mary Karen Read, a victim of Virginia Tech shooting tragedy. Google on the internet, and was found to be quoted by Paul Boese. Will do some more search to know who this guy was.

Sunday, 22 July 2007

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

Facts Of Prayer Life Of Korean Christians

Most Korean Christians I met at CM2007 are unbelievably prayerful and their devotion towards God. Here are some more observations about the Korean Christians:
1. They woke up as early as between 5 - 7am to pray mostly in groups. I was awakened by the loud prayers of a pastor wife at 4am during a rural mission.
2. Most churches had morning praying meetings between 4 - 5am on Sunday before the start of the main service.
3. Korean CCC "forbids" their students to have BGR until their final year or have graduated from university. What surprised me is that the students are willing to wait until graduation to be involved in BGR, and choose to concentrate on their relationship with God first.
4. It's common for students do their quiet time together, and we did our quiet time together with them during the rural mission, mediating on the same Scripture passages.
5. They build prayer houses for prayer meetings.
6. When they pray, they really pray and intercede with loud voices, passions and even shed tears.

No wonder Korea has been so blessed by God. There are so many passionate prayerful believers in this land.

Interesting Things About Koreans

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Dynamic Korea!!

I have attached photos for CM2007 under my photo albums.Do go take a look, and I have also uploaded videos of 20,000 students worshipping the Lord at Busan BEXCO, Korea. Enjoy viewing :)