Monday, 2 March 2009

Exactly 2 Months To Wedding!

Time really rockets, and in 61 days Irene and I will tie the knot on 2nd May. Yeah!!!
I also attached our IQ journey (#2 couple newsletter) for updating you on our ministry.

Prayer Requests:
Please pray for our marriage preparation and support raising of the wedding allowances. And one specific prayer request is for the food tasting at Peony Jade restaurant on 19th March where both our parents will meet to discuss about "Guo Da LI" (some tradition stuff) and certain traditional practice for the wedding. Thank God that my mom was okay with us for not offering joss sticks to the house god, but we are not sure how the discussion at the food tasting will turn out. So pray that Irene and I have the wisdom and courage to say "NO" to certain ritualistic practice that have spiritual implications in the course of discussion.

Thank you for praying alongside with us.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Our First Couple Newsletter

For those who have missed out our first newsletter, we hope to share our journey of how the Lord had been leading us towards our marriage preparation by downloading our newsletter here.