Monday, 28 May 2007

Interview For (Possibly) A New Ministry

Not sure what my future will hold for the next one year or perhaps two years. Pray that whatever the outcome, I would learn to submit to the leadership. They have to consider not only my preference for a ministry, but they have to think for the good of the whole organisation. That's what leaders have to wrestle with.

It's easy to blog it out here... but may God give me the humility to accept His portion for my life.

Sunday, 27 May 2007

88 Ways To Praise A Child

Took a photo of this poster... Think it would help us to know how to encourage our young cousins and also those who are in need of encouragement.

Thursday, 24 May 2007

So Much Pains

God really brought me to feel the pains of many people around me lately. It was a sad thing to see their pains, and they struggled so much. What was more upsetting is that I could not relate to their pains.

These are some pains:
  • Pains of losing a loved one
  • Pains of being misunderstood by people
  • Pains of being hurt by love ones
  • Pains of disappointment with God
  • Pains of being felt abandoned
Am I having such a good and stable life that I cannot comprehend pains? I find it scary to pray that God would help me to feel their pains. So so scary...

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Passion Camp With Passionate Freshmen

It's been great calling up freshmen to form the Passion Camp Committee. Hope that the Passion Camp (11-13 June) will equip our crusaders in conversation evangelism and personal evangelism skills especially the freshmen. The freshmen I called up were all very positive. Didn't have to convince them to join the camp committee. One of them cannot join, but she really wanted to help in the camp. Although she cannot join us, she wanted to come for the training on the 2nd day to be trained. That's really an outstanding attitude! Thank God for these freshmen :)

Thursday, 17 May 2007

Choosing The Next Path

Just when I begin to like SP ministry... another ministry opportunity pops up!

"Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD ?
He will instruct him in the way chosen for him." - Psalm 25:12

Whatever ministry I choose, I pray that God will direct me to the choice which will most glorify Him. It's simple to say now, but I trust that God will give me the moral courage to choose rightly.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Would The Lord Feel Welcome At Crossroads?

We started our first Crossroads ministry gathering on Tuesday, 8th May 2007. Much preparation had been poured in to make that first impression for the freshmen.

A thought came into my mind when we prayed before the start of Crossroads... Would the Lord feel welcome at our gathering?

I've to admit it might be ra-ra hyperactive fun time to capture the audience attention, but the focus is not on the Lord. The Crossroads meeting became a mean to glorify the cause of Campus Crusade, and making sure the crusaders and freshmen wanted to join us again in the next Crossroads. After this thought, I prayed that the Lord will indeed feel welcome, and that we will minister to the Lord first, rather than men.

It was that prayer moment that I don't really care how many people came to Crossroads, but would the Lord be honoured and pleased with our service. Many freshmen and seniors did come, but the heartful service of the Crossroads Team matters more to me than the good turnout. It was beautiful seeing them serving with joy unto the Lord. It was simply beautiful :)

Friday, 4 May 2007

Never Done This Before

Done two unthinkable things today (3rd May):
1. Asked Fiona to skip DG (with Priscilla) and have a good rest.
2. Watched "Band of Brothers" during DG (discipleship group) time, and we didn't talk about Bible stuff.

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

It's NOT UK Fun Fair

Think got the Fun Fair name wrong... should be called Uncle Ringgo Fun Fair. Btw it has started operation.

Fighting Back (For Masculinity)!

"Blaine, look at me." He raised his tearful eyes slowly, reluntantly. There was shame written all over his face.

"I want you to listen very closely to what I am about to say. The next time that bully pushes you down, here is what I want you to do - are you listening, Blaine?"

He nodded, his big wet eyes fixed on mine.

"I want you to get up... and I want you to HIT him... as HARD as you possibly can."

A look of embarrassed delight came over Blaine's face. Then he smiled.

- From the book "Wild At Heart". (I really wanted to pick up a fight after reading that.)

UK Funfair @Woodlands

UK Funfair is here again at Woodlands. It's just near the Woodlands MRT. I think it will be there for at least a month.