Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Would The Lord Feel Welcome At Crossroads?

We started our first Crossroads ministry gathering on Tuesday, 8th May 2007. Much preparation had been poured in to make that first impression for the freshmen.

A thought came into my mind when we prayed before the start of Crossroads... Would the Lord feel welcome at our gathering?

I've to admit it might be ra-ra hyperactive fun time to capture the audience attention, but the focus is not on the Lord. The Crossroads meeting became a mean to glorify the cause of Campus Crusade, and making sure the crusaders and freshmen wanted to join us again in the next Crossroads. After this thought, I prayed that the Lord will indeed feel welcome, and that we will minister to the Lord first, rather than men.

It was that prayer moment that I don't really care how many people came to Crossroads, but would the Lord be honoured and pleased with our service. Many freshmen and seniors did come, but the heartful service of the Crossroads Team matters more to me than the good turnout. It was beautiful seeing them serving with joy unto the Lord. It was simply beautiful :)


Anonymous said...

"Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."

by Jie Xuan

Anonymous said...

Good post.