Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

I can't believe I title this blog... but I really miss her.

I wonder why I couldn't miss God as much as I miss her. Taking God for granted again. The human need for love is so immense. No wonder if I look to other thing or person (outside God) for love, the human heart can never be satisfied.

I pray that I would learn to miss God again. Missing the sweet intimacy with Him, missing the joy of knowing Him... I want to pick up my first love for God again.


Debashis said...

Hi chinluke-
Was wandering in blogspot space and stumbled upon your profile. Just dropped in to say Hi. And I am bit curious, about your this post of missing God. Would you like to share the back ground of the same, if it's not too private.


Qingwen & Irene said...

Hi Debashis,
You received my reply via email? While in Korea, the blogspot instructions were in Korean language, so only replied you through email then leaving my comments on my blog